We’ve completed a three-year capital campaign to pay off building debt and support ministry goals for faith formation, spiritual gifts, outreach, and technology. Since that campaign began, we called a new pastor and welcomed many new members and friends! Church leaders and relevant stakeholders also met in January 2016 to identify Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results (SOAR).

A New Venture – Make Things Happen

Dreams and visions are amazing gifts from God. They are at the heart of God’s plan for our lives. Now it’s time to dream about what we want to be next.
A Visioning Working Group will gather to examine our vision, mission, goals, and SOAR results. They may brainstorm and propose answers to these questions.

• Who are we?
• Who should we become?
• Where do we go in the future?
• What are our most compelling aspirations?
• What strategic initiatives (projects, programs, processes) would support our aspirations?

They’ll then propose clear next steps for the life of our church. Pastor Mike Elliott, the Visioning Working Group, and the Session will lead the congregation to agreement on strategies to turn visions into reality in a fast-moving world that is changing at an exponential rate. Working together, we’ll create a future as collaborators with God in an ongoing process of regeneration and renewal. We’ll begin the hard work of aligning every part of our life with our new vision.